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The UniLink Group

Your EDI solutions experts.

With more than 25 years of experience in Cloud-based EDI services, our solutions are proven and trusted.

With universal EDI, one connection to UniLink connects you to the world—any trading partner, any file format, any hardware or software. 

We developed UniLink universal EDI to accept any electronic document format and to incorporate rules from both sides of the transaction, creating what’s known as Smart Maps. Smart Maps allow our customers to embed critical business logic directly, without difficult ERP customizations.

Every UniLink map is a Smart Map, all we need are the business rules from you and your trading partner, and we take care of the building, testing, and modifications. It’s a process that our customers and their trading partners trust, and we’re sure it will work for you.

Steps for Successful EDI Implementation

Just like our EDI technology, our process for implementation and connecting your trading partners is efficient and effective. 
  1. Data collection - Obtain a prioritized list of trading partner and transaction types to be implemented along with contact information.
  2. Onboarding your trading partners - We will contact your trading partners, requesting communication preferences and document specifications to establish connections between you, our Cloud data center, and each of your trading partners.
  3. Mapping - We create and test maps of each document type for each trading partner, customizing as needed, e.g., drop shipments, multi-page orders, nonstock, etc. 
  4. Go live - After a map has been successfully tested, the customer will decide when to schedule a go-live with that document and trading partner. 
  5. Production - At the go-live date, we will move the map into our production environment and verify that production documents are flowing with no issues. 

    Digital Transformation Dividends

    By including the right EDI solution as a part of your digital transformation, you can achieve dividends in no time with a rapid and recurring return on investment in addition to the benefits of:  

    • Secure transfer of information
    • Freeing of labor and resources
    • Improved accuracy and reduction in errors
    • Increased timeliness of information
    • Streamlined workflows
    • Improved inventory management
    • Defender of disruptions (pandemic, labor shortages, supply chain interruptions)
    Accelerate your growth and start realizing dividends by including UniLink EDI as a synergistic component of your company’s digital transformation. Ready to start your EDI implementation?
    Schedule a Discovery Call

    Success Based Pricing

    An easy-to-follow pricing structure gives you predictable pricing with better forecasting and budgeting ability: 

    • A one-time configuration fee covers the initial connection to our data center. 
    • New transaction types are added at a flat rate per map.
    • Low monthly fee for up to 150 transactions, additional transactions at a reduced rate based on volume. 
    • Our no-risk agreement guarantees no mapping or transaction fees are due until we have fully tested and confirmed your connections.

    Low start-up fee

    Flat rate custom maps

    Tiered transaction fees